we do things a little differently...

Brothers and Sisters in Christ come in all sizes, shapes, colors and ages, and we all have our own styles. At Called & Commissioned, you'll find our designs in multiple colors and styles of t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, etc. Some are more fitted, some are more relaxed. Some are more modern, some are more classic. We want you to find the look that best fits your style.

... and one more thing...

At Called & Commissioned, we don't just slap verses on shirts and call it good. As brothers and sisters in Christ, our heavenly calling is to get to the heart of the verse, so every graphic and print is designed to do just that. We hope the outcome is clothing that inspires and uplifts you and creates opportunities to share the good new of Jesus.


Blessed with the gifts of Helps and Giving, Adam was called to create a company that harnesses these two gifts for the growth of Christ's kingdom and the discipling of His people. Saved at the age of 17 and raised in the rural countryside of Overbrook, KS, Adam's faith and conservative, patriotic roots are what guide his passion for Called & Commissioned.
Founder & CEO
Adam Hart